
Tiberlab S.r.l. is a spin-off of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. The company’s mission is to develop up-to-date, innovative software solutions aimed to the design and simulation of electronic devices. It offers consulting services, end user software and custom solutions for specific design problems. With its academic origin, Tiberlab is committed to research activity, in close collaboration with University of Rome Tor Vergata. Tiberlab’s core business is the development of the Tibercad simulation software for numerical simulation of nanostructured devices in an integrated multiscale environment. Its target market is both academic and industry, with several clients in several countries. Tiberlab’s collaborative network
covers several research groups in Europe and worldwide.
TIBERAB will be involved in WP2: Development of tips. In particular, TIBER will lead Task 2.2, where it will perform simulations for the design and optimization of laser-tip interaction for plasmons generation improvement.
TIBERLAB will be also involved in WP5: development of commonly agreed protocols. In this WP TIBER will lead Task 5.4, dedicated to the definition and implementation of metadata and database structure in accordance with EU defined standards, for the reliable management of experimental data.
WEBSITE: www.tiberlab.com