Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanastalt

The PTB is the national metrology institute of Germany, performing fundamental research and development work in the field of metrology as a basis for all the tasks entrusted to it in the areas concerning the determination of fundamental and natural constants, the realisation, maintenance and dissemination of the legal units of the SI, safety engineering, services and metrology for the area regulated by law and for
industry, as well as technology transfer.
PTB has agement system. This is a unique technique worldwide for the physical traceable quantification of elemeextensive expertise in synchrotron radiation metrology and uses its own infrastructure for X-ray spectrometry at BESSY II. PTB has developed the reference-free XRF including standardised procedures in the framework of PTB’s quality manntal and species mass deposition, depth profiling and coordination of micro and nano-scale materials. Furthermore, PTB operates beyond state-of-the-art s-SNOM instrumentation at its own high-brilliance metrology light source. In addition, PTB further has in-depth knowledge in Raman spectrometry with a focus on Raman-Mapping and can provide facilities for ultrafast Raman imaging, also in combination with scanning probe microscopy.
PTB also has many years of experience in designing, implementating and evaluating inter-laboratory comparisons. Under the Metre Convention, PTB has been acting as the pilot laboratory for a number of so-called key comparisons (KCs) which are recognized as the highest metrological level and whose results serve as a basis for ensuring accuracy and comparability of measurement results in all areas of physics and chemistry at a global level. PTB is actively involved in various international standardisation such as the ISO TC 201 on surface chemical analysis.
The two working groups of PTB with complementary competences in surface chemical analysis will jointly contribute to the project. Their main tasks in the project will be the provision of expertise in operating X-ray fluorescence and μ-Raman spectroscopy to achieve SI-traceability for the quantities of interest related to the measurement of strain/stress, depth profiles and material composition including contamination.