IMEC vzw is one of the largest independent R&D centres worldwide in the field of nano-electronics, health and ICT. IMEC has more than 3500 employees and is known for its balance of basic research and application-oriented research leveraging its unique infrastructure. The photovoltaic department within IMEC performs research on new materials, concepts and pathways for photovoltaic devices as a renewable energy source and as an enabling technology to ensure energy autonomy. IMEC works on crystallinesilicon solar cells and modules and thin-film (organic and inorganic) solar cells focusing on improving the efficiency, the industrial manufacturability, and the cost reduction of a number of advanced technologies
for the coming decade. With its expertise in both nano-electronics and photovoltaics, IMEC is ideally suited to take the lead in establishing within the CHALLENGES project the process-adapted nanoscale metrology for the photovoltaic manufacturing application.
- WP 1 “Development and manufacturing of materials for tests and round robins” leader