Applied Materials

Applied Materials is a global company with a broad set of capabilities in materials engineering that provides manufacturing equipment, services and software to the global semiconductor, display, solar photovoltaic (PV) and related industries. With approximately 21 000 employees and more than 12 500 patents issued, Applied delivers products and services to manufacturers of semiconductor chips, liquid crystal and other displays, solar PV cells, and electronic devices among others. In 2018 Applied Materials obtained over $17B in revenue and invested $2B in R&D.
In Italy Applied Materials activities include research & development, engineering, support services and manufacturing.
AMAT will provide requirements and test samples that will allow the development of industrially relevant quality control methods for industrial (thin) silicon photovoltaic cell and module production. Furthermore, it will contribute to the development measurement protocols and data standardization on the test samples provided by providing guidance and benchmarking with the current industrial state of the art technologies.
Ultimately, AMAT will stay abreast of the market conditions and developed metrology techniques in CHALLENGES to potentially commercialising then in the solar and semiconductor industries.