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Daniele Passeri | University of Rome “La Sapienza” 


Stefania Melandri | beWarrant S.L 

The Challenges School is addressed to:

The programme includes 2 days of frontal lessons and 1 day of training (i.e. lessons, visits and practical demonstrations) at the Laboratory for Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences of Sapienza (SNN-Lab) of the interdepartmental research center on nanotechnologies applied to engineering (CNIS) and at the ATOM (Open Infrastructure for Advanced Tomography and Microscopies) Research Center. 


  • Conventional strain characterization methods in materials science and in the industrial environment

  • Innovative plasmonic techniques for strain characterization

  • Nanomaterials production in industrial environment

  • Multiscale simulation and modelling

School Program

09:00-09:30    Arrival & Registration

09:30- 09:45   Welcome and introduction to day 1 | Marco Rossi (UNISAP)

> Strain in materials science and conventional characterization methods <

09:45-10:30    Welcome speech | Marco Rossi (UNISAP)

General introduction on strain in materials science | Paolo Postorino (UNISAP)

10:30 -11:15    Introduction to strain characterization methods in Transmission Electron Microscopy | Roberto Balboni (CNR)

11:15-11:30    Coffee break

11:30-12:15    Metrological raman spectroscopy for strain characterization | Stefan Wundrack (PTB)

12:15-13:00    X-ray strain analysis | Patrice Gergaud (CEA)

13:00-14:00  Lunch

> Innovative plasmonic techniques for strain characterization <

14:00-14:45    Basics on plasmonic enhanced characterization techniques |  Aaron Lewis (NANONICS)– Israele

14:45-15:30    Enhanced Optical Heating of Silicon Nano-Cones Under CW Illumination | Sergey S. Kharintsev (invited speaker) – virtual

15:30-15:45    Coffee break

15:45-16:30     Plasmonic enhanced optical spectroscopy – from the lab environment to the factory floors | Aaron Lewis (NANONICS)– Israele.

16:30-17:15     AI and machine learning algorithms for fast optical material metrology tools | Roy Pinhassi (NOVA)

09:00-09:30    Arrival

09:30- 09:45   Introduction to day 2

> Nanomaterials production in industrial environment <

09:45-10:30  Metrology for process control in semiconductor industry | Delphine Le Cunff  (ST_C)

10:30 -11:15   Status and production process of crystalline Silicon solar cells and modules | Ivan Gordon (IMEC)

11:15-11:30    Coffee break

11:30-12:15  Process control and QC on graphene | Amaia Zurutuza (GRAPHENEA) – virtual 

                          Transmission Electron Microscopy for 2D materials characterization & standardization | Vittorio Morandi (CNR-IMM)

> Simulation and modelling <

12:15-13:00  Multiscale simulation and modellingMatthias Auf Der Maur (TIBERLAB)

13:00-14:30  Lunch

> Hands-on sessions <

14:30-17:00   Visit to Laboratories of CNIS (Center of Nanotenologies Applied to Engineering of Sapienza): Sapienza Nanotechnolieges and Nanosciences Lab 

                             Advances Tomographies and Microscopies Lab Main Campus of Sapienza – P.le A. Moro, 5 Buildings CU014 & CU016

09:00-09:30   Arrival & Registration

09:30- 09:50  Introduction to day 3

                              CHALLENGES project | UNISAP

09:50-10:10  Horizon Europe: new challenges and opportunities | Lorenza Carabba (WarrantHub)

10:10-10:30   Speech from EMMC / EMCC clusters: 

  • Gerhard Goldbeck (Goldbeck Consulting) – EMMC 
  • Marco Sebastiani (Roma3) – EMCC 


11:30-11:45 Coffee break

11:45-13:00  Round table and discussion

13:00 Closing

Organizing Committee

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